And the winner is...

One of our poetry club leaders, Johana Guérin, 1ere, has won 3rd place in the Asiba national poetry-writing competition and a lovely poetry book as a prize. For your pleasure and ours, please find the winning poem. Remember that the poetry club in English, where you can read, hear or write poetry in English is open to everyone in our school.

L’une des leader de notre club de poésie, Johana Guérin, 1ere, a obtenu la 3e place dans la compétition nationale d’écriture poétique de l’Asiba et gagné ce merveilleux livre de poésie. Pour votre plaisir et le notre, voici son poème. Nous vous rappelons que le club poésie en anglais, où on peut lire, écouter ou écrire de le poésie en anglais et ouvert à tous.

Poem asiba writing competition 2022

If you had asked her,
she would have said she craved freedom,
this feeling of immensity that touched her
when the salty breeze brushed her hair
and caressed her soul.

If you had asked her
she would have told you
everything in the whole world,
and raised a toast to old time’s sake.

Her eyes were as glittering as the ocean she sailed
Her laugh as harmonious as the melody she had heard
Her heart grew warmer for each person she met.

She was as free as wind
Forceful as mistral, gentle as suroeste

Where the aria hushed, emerged a soft whisper

Johana Guérin