M 7.8 - CENTRAL TURKEY - 2023-02-06 01:17:36 UTC

M 7.8 - CENTRAL TURKEY - 2023-02-06 01:17:36 UTC

M 7.8 - CENTRAL TURKEY - 2023-02-06 01:17:36 UTC
Magnitude Mw 7.8
Date time 2023-02-06 01:17:36.1 UTC
Location 37.17 N ; 37.08 E
Depth 20 km
Distances 108 km NNW of Aleppo, Syria / pop : 1,602,000 / local time : 03:17:36.1 2023-02-06
30 km WNW of Gaziantep, Turkey / pop : 1,065,000 / local time : 04:17:36.1 2023-02-06

Région Date Heure Lat. (deg) Long. (deg) Prof. (km) Mag. Dist. (km)
Turkey 2023-02-06 01:17:32 37.23N 37.02E 10 7.8 2660